Politics & Government

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Ammunition availability and the Second amendment?

If youre a buyer of ammunition and laws are passed that require background checks for ammunition purchases, finger prints IDs and such and/or the cost of the ammunition purchased comes with a 500% mark up (a $15-$20 dollar box would sell for around $130) some would consider this to be an encroachment on your second amendment guarantees.

No where does the second amendment make any references to, the access of ammunition and as some long time second amendment supporters have suggested, restricting the sale of ammunition could effectively disarm the nation. Many states already have restrictions on certain types of ammo including armor piercing and incendiary types of ammunition but many fear federal state and local governments may attempt to eradicate crime by restricting all ammunition purchases and if you have recently tried to make ammo purchases, you may have noticed recent shortages.

The question is; Would the government be violating the spirit of the secound amendment by forcing up the price of ammunition? and Since the bill of rights is in place to protect the rights of citizens, does the government have the right to create laws that limit or restrict ammunition sales?

Yes it would contravene the Second Amendment. Ammunition is an arm just as much as the firearm itself. I don%26#039;t see how a Supreme Court that decided the Heller case could countenance such a cynical attempt to disarm the people. But sadly crazier things have happened before.

Yes it certainly would violate the intent and spirit of the 2nd amendment. All the more reason for more shooter to take up the hobby of reloading their own ammunition.

What ever the case is God has the upper hand in it all. They can%26#039;t do anything without God allowing it.Just my point of view about it. I put my trust in God and not man or government.

Yes they would. But since I have thousands and thousands of rounds, I think my great-great-grandkids will still be using it long after I am gone.

I%26#039;m a well stocked reloader.

Don%26#039;t bother me a bit.

I%26#039;m prepared.

If they put a 500 dollar tax on every word that came out of your mouth would that be a violation of the first amendment?


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